Area Hunters Can Share Their Harvest, Says Hickernell

The Pennsylvania Game Commission and Rep. Dave Hickernell invite area hunters to participate in the Hunters Sharing the Harvest (HSH) program.


Since 1991, the HSH program has coordinated the processing and distribution of donated wild game from hunters to Pennsylvanians in need.  An average-sized deer will provide enough highly-nutritious, low-cholesterol meat for 200 meals.


In an average hunting season, the HSH program will channel about 100,000 pounds of processed venison annually through the state’s 21 regional food banks, which then redistribute the meat to more than 3,000 local provider charities such as food pantries, missions, homeless shelters, Salvation Army facilities, and churches, in addition to families.


Hunters donating their harvest voluntarily pay a $15 tax-deductible fee toward each processed deer.  The remainder of the processing fee is covered through HSH sponsors and donations.


Anyone interested in donating venison to the HSH program should call 1-866-474-2141.  Information can also be found at Hickernell’s website at under “Hunters Sharing the Harvest.”


Rep. Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
(717) 367-5525

(717) 684-5525

(717) 783-2076
Contact:  Sean Yeakle

House Republican Public Relations
(717) 787-3406