September 2010 Column - Annual Senior Expo to be Held Oct. 28

By Dave Hickernell, State Representative
98th Legislative District 

Mark your calendar for Thursday, October 28, when I will be holding my annual Senior Expo from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Masonic Village Freemasons Cultural Center Ballroom, 1 Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown.           

This free event is an opportunity for residents age 60 and older and their families to learn about the many programs and services available to them.  The expo will also feature many exhibitors such as retirement facilities, health care providers, state and federal agencies and other various businesses that deal with issues impacting seniors.   

In addition, we will be providing information on the many local, state and federal programs designed to help seniors including: 

  • Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program – This program benefits Pennsylvanians age 65 years or older, widows and widowers age 50 years or older and those age 18 years or older with permanent disabilities.  Under the program, eligible participants can receive a rebate of up to $650 based on their income and rent or property taxes paid in 2009.  The application deadline has been extended to Dec. 31, 2010, so be sure to pick up an application at the Senior Expo.
  • PACE/PACENET -- Administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, the PACE and PACENET programs offer comprehensive prescription coverage to eligible older Pennsylvanians and cover most medications that require prescriptions (including insulin, syringes and insulin needles).   Individuals earning up to $14,500 annually and married couples earning up to $17,700 per year are now eligible for the PACE program. PACENET income limits are $23,500 for individuals and $31,500 for couples.  If you are interested in learning more about PACE or PACENET, please visit my Senior Expo and my staff will provide you with more information. 
  • Vehicle Registrations -- Retired Pennsylvanians receiving Social Security or other pension funds whose incomes are under $19,200 annually may register one passenger car or non-commercial light truck at a reduced rate.  Instead of the regular $36 fee for a passenger vehicle, retired Pennsylvanians pay just a $10 processing fee. The discount does not apply to title fees, transfer fees or sales tax.  Please stop by my Senior Expo and my staff will provide you with more information about this program.  

This event attracts hundreds of residents each year, and my staff and I always enjoy meeting with them and helping to resolve their questions and concerns.  If you or someone you care about is a senior citizen, I strongly encourage you to stop by.   

Admission is free of charge and there is no need to preregister.  There will be door prizes awarded throughout the morning and light refreshments will be provided.  For more information, call either of my district offices, located in Elizabethtown, phone (717) 367-5525, or in Columbia, phone (717) 684-5525. 

I hope to see you there. 

Rep. Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

(717) 367-5525
(717) 684-5525
(717) 783-2076
Contact:  Sean Yeakle
House Republican Public Relations
(717) 787-3406