York, Lancaster House Delegations Congratulate Falk on Walk to End PLAs

Reps. Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion), John Bear (R-Lititz) and members of the York County and Lancaster County House Republican delegations today congratulated John Falk as he began his 89-mile walk from York to Washington, D.C. to protest the use of Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) in government contracting.  Falk is walking from the York County Courthouse to the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington to present a petition protesting the use of PLAs in government contracting to lawmakers.


Saylor and Bear have introduced House Bill 2010 which will allow open contracting that guarantees taxpayers get the best work at the best price, and ensures that no project bidder, large or small, is excluded from bidding on a government-funded construction project because of an affiliation or a lack of affiliation with a union.”


“PLAs are discrimination plain and simple,” said Saylor.  “They require all contractors, whether they are unionized or not, to subject themselves and their employees to unionization in order to work on a government-funded construction project.  As a result, a large segment of qualified contractors are unfairly excluded, and that drives up costs for taxpayers.”


Bear added, “Pennsylvania needs to pass House Bill 2010 to allow open contracting and guarantee that taxpayers get the best work at the best price. We need to ensure that no project bidder is excluded from bidding on a government-funded construction project because they are not unionized.”


Members of the York County and Lancaster County House Republican delegations include:  Saylor, Bear, Rep. Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam), Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover), Rep. Ron Miller (R-Jacobus), Rep. Will Tallman (R-Hanover), Rep. Scott Perry (R-Dillsburg), Rep. Scott Boyd (R-Lampeter), Rep. Tom Creighton (R-Manheim), Rep. Bryan Cutler (R-Peach Bottom), Rep. Gordon Denlinger (R-Ephrata), Rep. Dave Hickernell (R-Elizabethtown) and Rep. Katie True (R-East Hempfield).


Rep. Stanley Saylor
94th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

(717) 244-9232
(717) 783-6426

Contact:  Sean Yeakle

 (717) 787-3406
