Trout stocking schedules are now available at Rep. Dave Hickernell’s district office for opening day of trout season in April.
A total of 744 streams and 124 lakes will be stocked as a part of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s 2009 adult trout stocking program. Stocking occurs year-round, though most anglers typically view March as the official start of stocking season
To make the stocking schedules more convenient, all stockings scheduled throughout the year on all waters are listed in one consolidated, easy-to-read listing. There will no longer be separate preseason and in-season schedules.
The PFBC will stock nearly 4 million adult trout in Pennsylvanian rivers and streams that are open to the public for fishing. More than one million additional trout will be stocked by private contractors across the Commonwealth.
Opening day for trout season in Lancaster County is currently scheduled to be Saturday, April 4. In other areas of the Commonwealth, opening day is scheduled for Saturday, April 18.
Copies of the trout stocking schedules can be obtained from Hickernell’s legislative offices at 236 Locust Street, Columbia or 222 S. Market Street, Suite 103, Elizabethtown
Rep. Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
(717) 367-5525
(717) 684-5525
(717) 783-2076
House Republican Public Relations
(717) 787-3406