Hickernell Announces Responsible Liquor Management Bill Has Passed House
HARRSIBURG - The state House of Representatives voted to approve House Bill 1769, legislation authored by Rep. Dave Hickernell (R-Lancaster/Dauphin) which would require Responsible Alcohol Management Training for any seller or server of alcohol in the Commonwealth.
Seven years ago, two young girls from Lancaster County, who were coming home from a high school football game, were killed when a 22-year-old female driver crashed into the car in which they were traveling. Subsequent investigation revealed that the 22-year-old had been served several drinks at a local establishment despite visible signs she had already had too much to drink.
“When Susan, the mother of one of the girls, met with me, I learned police investigators had told her that people at the establishment recognized this young woman had too much to drink,” Hickernell said. Despite this recognition by those at the bar that night, no one stopped this young woman from getting in her car. I don’t want to place the blame on anyone else, but it is apparent that more responsible action by sober people at the establishment who had the opportunity to stop her and call a friend, a family member or a taxi cab, could have prevented this tragedy.”
“Susan suggested to me that perhaps if the server had been trained to recognize and deal with intoxicated individuals, maybe her daughter would be alive today,” said Hickernell. “She asked me to fight to strengthen the law so that all alcohol service workers would be required to receive some type of basic alcohol management training.”
Pennsylvania’s Responsible Alcohol Management Training program has been proven to help licensees and their employees recognize and handle the signs of visible intoxication, and is currently required of owners and managers of liquor licensed establishments. In fact, many establishments already embrace the goal of Hickernell’s bill and require such training for all their workers as a condition of employment.
“In addition, such training would help licensees and their employees more effectively spot minors and fake IDs,” Hickernell said. “I am hopeful this commonsense measure can make it to the governor’s desk and become law this legislative session.”
House Bill 1769 is now pending consideration in the state Senate.
Representative Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Charles Lardner