Hickernell to Serve as Chief Deputy House Majority Whip

House Majority Whip Stan Saylor (left) has appointed Rep. Dave Hickernell to serve as chief deputy whip during the 2011-12 legislative session.

House Majority Whip Stan Saylor (R-York) has appointed Rep. Dave Hickernell to serve as chief deputy House majority whip for the 2011-12 legislative session.   

“From our stagnant economy to our multi-billion dollar budget deficit, we are facing some difficult issues in this legislative session,” said Hickernell.  “Pennsylvanians have given us an opportunity to fix what is broken in state government and they expect results.  I appreciate the confidence Representative Saylor has shown in me with this appointment and I look forward to working with him.” 

As chief deputy whip, Hickernell will serve as Saylor’s primary assistant and will work with Saylor and his deputy whips to unify the party, build support for policy initiatives, educate House members and answer questions about policy.  If Saylor is not on the House floor, Hickernell will serve as whip in his absence. 

“I am grateful to Representative Hickernell for agreeing to serve as my chief deputy whip,” said Saylor.  “He has served as a deputy whip in the last four legislative sessions.  His experience and knowledge of the legislative process will be a tremendous asset.” 

State Representative Dave Hickernell
98th District, Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Contact: Sean Yeakle
[email protected]