Rep. Dave Hickernell will host a ceremony in Leffler Chapel at Elizabethtown College in March to honor veterans of the Vietnam War living in the 98th Legislative District.
“Veterans returning from the Vietnam War did not receive the heroes’ welcome given to soldiers returning from previous wars. In many cases, they were disrespected and abused by an angry public,” said Hickernell. “I hope that this event will help make it clear to them that their country has not forgotten them. Their service is appreciated and will be remembered.”
During the ceremony, Hickernell will present each veteran with a specially minted bronze medal and certificate in honor of their service.
Vietnam veterans living in the 98th District, or those who know them, are encouraged to contact Hickernell’s Elizabethtown office at (717) 367-5525 or his Columbia office at (717) 684-5525.
The 98th Legislative District includes Conoy Township, East Donegal Township, West Donegal Township, and part of West Hempfield Township (Farmdale and Ironville) and the boroughs of Columbia, Elizabethtown, Marietta and Mount Joy in Lancaster County, and Londonderry Township and part of the borough of Middletown in Dauphin County.
Rep. Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
(717) 367-5525
(717) 684-5525
(717) 783-2076
Contact: Sean Yeakle
House Republican Public Relations
(717) 260-6137