Helping to bring vitality to downtown areas, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives has unanimously approved legislation authored by state Rep. Dave Hickernell (R-Dauphin/Lancaster) that would add the improvement of residential property facades in downtown areas to the state’s Main Street Program.
“The non-commercial, residential aspect of our downtown areas should not be overlooked,” said Hickernell. “This legislation will allow for the improvement, marketing and promotion of these areas as part of their revitalization.”
The Main Street Program, within the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), allows state funding to be directed to improve the infrastructure, aesthetics and accessibility of downtown shopping districts throughout the Commonwealth.
DCED administers the program to help a community’s downtown economic development effort through the establishment of a local organization dedicated to downtown revitalization and management of that revitalization.
“Downtown commercial areas can get a real boost from a strong residential presence,” said Hickernell. “The increased residential activity in downtowns may also help with the problem of farmland being lost to commercial development.”
Hickernell credited Main Street Mount Joy, a downtown revitalization organization, with bringing these proposals and their merit to his attention.
House Bill 420 now goes to the Senate for consideration.
Rep. Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
(717) 367-5525
(717) 783-2076
House Republican Public Relations
(717) 260-6137