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Hickernell Appointed to House Transportation Committee

Lawmaker also retains his seats on three other House committees 

State Representative Dave Hickernell (R-98) has been appointed to serve for the first time on the State House Transportation Committee, at a most critical time for Pennsylvania’s transportation infrastructure. 

Hickernell today announced his assignment to four standing House committees for the 2007-2008 legislative session. In addition to joining the Transportation Committee, the West Donegal Township Republican retained his seats on the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, the House Local Government Committee, and the House Children and Youth Committee. 

“One of the most pressing issues currently facing Pennsylvania is its transportation infrastructure funding crisis,” said Hickernell, who now is serving in his third term in the House representing the 98th Legislative District. 

“Across the Commonwealth, numerous roads and bridges are in poor condition and in need of repair or replacement. Across the Commonwealth, mass transit systems are facing huge deficits in their operational budgets and could be facing cuts in service,” Hickernell noted. “All told, there is about a $1.7 billion gap between the infrastructure’s immediate needs and the funding that’s available, so we’re approaching a crisis situation. 

“I’m honored that the House Republican Leader has selected me to work on the House Transportation Committee and help to deal with these serious problems. This committee has a reputation of working together in a bipartisan fashion, and I expect that spirit will continue in what will be a pivotal legislative session for Pennsylvania transportation.” 

Hickernell will continue to be a strong voice for working farmers by virtue of his position on the House Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee. 

“My involvement with this committee has been especially meaningful to me because of the importance of agriculture and agri-business in the 98th District,” he said. “Agriculture is Pennsylvania’s top industry, and Lancaster County is the agricultural leader in the Commonwealth.” 

Hickernell will draw on his experience as a former House staffer and former Clerk of Courts in Lancaster County in addressing issues that come before the Local Government Committee. During this session, he will serve as Republican Chairman of the committee’s Sub-Committee on Counties. 

“Government at the municipal and county levels is government that is closest to the people, so it’s critical that those governments function efficiently,” Hickernell said. “I have nearly two decades of experience in the workings of government at various levels, and that has served me well in the past on this committee.” 

The House Children and Youth Committee reviews legislation on issues such as child care, foster care and family law, and has legislative oversight of the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare’s Office of Children, Youth and Families. 

Rep. Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

(717) 367-5525
(717) 783-2076
Contact:  Greg Grasa
House Republican Public Relations
(717) 772-9843

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