Hickernell Honors Donegal High School Girls on Winning State Soccer Championship
State Rep. Dave Hickernell recently honored the 2009 PIAA state champion Donegal High School Girls’ Varsity Soccer team on the floor of the House of Representatives in Harrisburg. During a presentation on the House floor, Hickernell presented each member of the team with a citation from the House congratulating the athletes and their coaches on their victory.
“These fine young women, their coaches, and their families can be proud of their achievement,” said Hickernell. “And we can all be proud that their conduct on and off the field made them excellent ambassadors for their community and their Commonwealth.”
The Donegal High School girls finished their season with an overall record of 18 wins, five losses and two ties. They defeated Lancaster Mennonite High School 3-0 to claim the first PIAA soccer title in Donegal High School history.
Under the guidance of Head Coach Heather Kemp and Assistant Coaches Blaine Gorman and Scott Steffen, the 2009 Donegal High School Girls’ Varsity Soccer team includes Kayleigh Hershey, Molly Brubaker, Alyssa Gower, Nicki Person, Lissy Libhart, Jessy Shober, Laura Kassab, Jovita Richardson, Alex Smith, Rita Amato, Alecia McNiff, Ashley Grove, Jamie Hunter, Jenna Hunter, Shaista Bhatti, Britt Knouse, Hannah Weyland, Mary Lynam, Kelsey Kleinhans, and Emily Green. Asher Johnson and Dane Jester served as team managers.
Rep. Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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