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Elizabethtown, PA 17022
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Fire and Ambulance Service Grant Applications Now Available, Says Hickernell

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Dave Hickernell is encouraging local volunteer fire departments and volunteer ambulance services to apply for thousands of dollars in available state grant funding.

Fire companies and volunteer ambulance services throughout Pennsylvania can now submit an application for the 2013-14 Fire Company, Volunteer Ambulance Service Grant Program (FCVASGP).

The grants may be used for construction or renovation of a unit’s station, the purchase or repair of equipment, training or debt reduction.

The application period will remain open until Oct. 24.  The grants are funded from state gaming proceeds, and a total of $30 million is available to support these valuable public safety organizations.

For more information, visit Hickernell’s Web site at and click on “Fire and Ambulance Grants.”

Representative Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact:  Charles Lardner
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