Contact Information 
District Offices
236 Locust Street
Columbia, PA 17512

Phone: (717) 684-5525
Fax: (717) 684-2538

222 S. Market Street, Suite 103
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Phone: (717) 367-5525
Fax: (717) 367-6425

Capitol Office
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PO Box 202098
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2098
Phone: (717) 783-2076
Fax: (717) 787-9175
Hickernell to Host Veterans ID Card Event

County-issued veterans card needed to obtain special discounts

ELIZABETHTOWN – Working with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds office and Masonic Village, Rep. Dave Hickernell (R-Elizabethtown) today announced he will be hosting a special event for Lancaster County veterans to apply for and receive “Thank A Vet” discount program card on Thursday, May 16, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the Brossman Ballroom of the Masonic Village at 1 Masonic Drive in Elizabethtown.

“Pennsylvanians have a long history of serving their country. From World War II to the present, nearly 10,000 Pennsylvanians have given their lives in combat defending our nation and man’s God-given right of liberty,” Hickernell said.  “With so many Pennsylvania Guardsmen having been deployed overseas in the last decade, many of them now have veteran status, and Lancaster County currently has about 35,000 veterans living here.”

As a way for the community to express its gratitude and recognize their service and sacrifices, Lancaster County has established its own “Thank A Vet” Discount Program.  Merchants participating in this program have agreed to provide special discounts on purchases or services when presented with the “Thank A Vet” photo identification card.  These merchants and sponsors can be identified by a poster or decal in the window.  You may also find participating merchants by going to and clicking on the “Thank A Vet” banner.

Veterans from any of the Lancaster County towns in the 98th Legislative District are welcome and must have their full size (not wallet size) DD-214 and a photo ID confirming Lancaster County residence.

For more information, please contact my Columbia office at 236 Locust St., 626-796-3034, or my Elizabethtown office at 222 S. Market St., Suite 103, 717- 367-552.

Representative Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact:  Charles Lardner
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