Sep. 18, 2018

HARRISBURG – Rep. Dave Hickernell (R-Lancaster/Dauphin) announced today that the Commonwealth Financing Authority has approved his $170,000 request for Londonderry Township’s Sunset Park.

“With an 18-hole golf course alongside the river, ballfields, pavilions and playgrounds, Sunset Park is well used and appreciated by the community,” Hickernell said. “These funds will pay to construct a trail system that will connect those areas and other features that currently exist in the park, as well as providing trail access to nearby residential areas.”

Other details of the project will include a 25-space ADA-compliant parking area and a new restroom facility, as well as signage and dedicated pedestrian crossings.

The money comes from the Commonwealth Finance Authority’s (CFA) Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program. The CFA voted Tuesday to approve the grant application.

“This project will really make the park more user friendly. I want to thank the CFA board members for recognizing the value of this project and the strong support it has from the community.”

Representative Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Charles Lardner