Oct. 02, 2020 
HARRISBURG – The House of Representatives Wednesday approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Dave Hickernell (R-Lancaster/Dauphin) that would grant the Pennsylvania Squadron of the Navy Club of the United States membership on the State Veterans’ Commission.
The Pennsylvania State Veterans Commission, established in accordance with Title 51 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, is comprised of representatives of all major veterans organizations throughout the commonwealth, as well as a representative of the Association of County Directors for Veterans Affairs. The Commission is tasked with advising the Adjutant General and the department on all matters pertaining to the status, welfare, benefits, employment and support of veterans and veterans' programs in this Commonwealth.
“I sponsored this legislation after the Navy Club approached me asking for help in getting membership to the Veterans Commission and I was pleased this effort received unanimous support from my colleagues,” Hickernell said. “Should this legislation be approved by the Senate and signed by the governor, the Navy Club would become the 16th member of the commission, which meets regularly and has the important role of considering and supporting pending legislation at the federal and state levels that is of interest to veterans.”
Current veteran organization membership of the Commission consists of:
• The American Legion.
• Blinded Veterans Association.
• Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America.
• Disabled American Veterans.
• Jewish War Veterans of the United States.
• Marine Corps League.
• Military Order of the Purple Heart.
• State Association of County Directors of Veterans' Affairs.
• Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
• Italian-American War Veterans of the United States, Inc.
• The Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc.
• American Ex-Prisoners of War.
• Keystone Paralyzed Veterans Association.
Representative Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Charles Lardner