Jun. 28, 2019 
HARRISBURG – Bipartisan legislation sponsored by Professional Licensure Committee Chairman Dave Hickernell (R-Lancaster) and Democratic Chairman Harry Readshaw (D-Allegheny) to remove the barriers for licensees entering Pennsylvania is on Gov. Tom Wolf’s desk and is expected to be signed into law.
Often, a licensed professional wishing to enter into Pennsylvania finds difficulty obtaining the license needed to practice their profession. This is especially true for military and their spouses who tend to move more frequently than the average citizen but is also experienced by those moving in from other states or territories.
“As currently designed, Pennsylvania’s professional licensing system has the unintended consequence of putting up barriers to employment to members of our military, their spouses and professionals moving to our Commonwealth from other states,” Hickernell said. “Our legislation requires all the licensing boards and commissions under the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs to issue licenses by endorsement, and further provides for a provisional endorsement license to quickly move these professionals into the workforce without the delays they are currently experiencing.”
“This delay in obtaining their professional license in Pennsylvania could mean a lack of income, lost employment opportunities or even a decision to not move into the state,” Readshaw said. “I am very pleased with the passage of this legislation, as it will make licensure more accessible to those arriving in Pennsylvania who already have the skills and training to do their jobs effectively. It is my hope that our bill will help our brave military families find good-paying jobs here in our Commonwealth.”
Representative Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Charles Lardner
Representative Harry Readshaw
36th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Tara Mead
(717) 787-7895 Ext. 6056